Title Watch – Stay on Top of Everything!

Title Watch

If you haven’t heard of ‘Title Watch’, it’s something we like to inform all clients about. Despite its lack of costs (it’s completely free), it’s an extremely valuable tool. It enables Conveyancers to provide a more up to date and complete service to you as you head towards settlement. What is Title Watch? ‘Title Watch‘, […]

Licence to Occupy and Licence to Store – What and Why?

Licence to Occupy and Licence to Store

Previously we wrote about what can go wrong on Settlement Day and how to possibly avoid any settlement problems that could lead to delays. Following on from this, we’ll explain what Vendors and Purchasers can agree upon in the event of a delayed settlement. Specifically, a Licence to Occupy and Licence to Store. If settlement […]

After Settlement – Are We Done Now?

After Settlement

Today, we’ll share with everyone a little bit about what happens after settlement, following on from our last three blogs. Luckily whether you’re the Vendor or the Purchaser, most of these last few tasks are your Conveyancer’s responsibility. Let’s go through what they are and how they happen. First up, you won’t need to attend […]

Settlement Day – What Happens

Settlement Day

Today, we’re going to delve into what’s involved on Settlement Day. Before we do, let’s address the most common questions clients ask us about Settlement Day. The answer to both questions, is no. You have chosen a Conveyancer to manage this for you, and this is where we bring everything together. We take care of […]

Settlement – Let’s Talk Expectations


Here you are, having found the property you want and agreed upon a price. The next significant step is the settlement process, which actually comprises numerous steps. Navigating the settlement process can feel overwhelming, complicated, and stressful. However, correcting the very first step can significantly reduce or even entirely avoid these challenging emotions. The first […]

Settlement Problems – You Can Avoid Them!

Settlement Problems

Previously, we wrote about Settlement Day and what occurs. Today we thought we would share a little about settlement problems that can go wrong, and how to avoid any that could lead to delays. But first up, the easy tip to remember is … there’s no such thing as “too organised” when it comes to […]

Do I Need A Building Inspection Before Settlement?

Building Inspection

To some it may seem obvious that a building inspection before settlement is a good idea. But not everyone is across property transactions, and we’re here to give good helpful advice. With that in mind, we recently spoke with Adam Baines from Detail Building Inspections. We put forward some questions about building inspections and how […]