
Titles – Abolishment Of Duplicate Titles

In 2020 a lot of changes happened in the conveyancing industry and since then clients no longer receive their Certificate of Title! Electronic conveyancing was mandated and resulted in the abolishment of duplicate Titles, a change that affected all property owners. This was the piece of paper which we knew as our Title, our proof of ownership. A Certificate of Title is the legal document noting the ownership of property. It is also the reference point for all dealings of land.

This sounds scary .. why would they do that?

Although it sounds daunting not receiving this document anymore, Queensland was operating like this for many years. Now, it is just a distant memory as the world moves more electronic. However, clients still ask us when they will receive their Title. After all, it is one of their biggest life investments, it is only natural they want something special as evidence!

What it now means for Titles ..

As sad as it is not to see the old wax paper document with the beautiful calligraphy handwriting and the history of who has owned the property. Or the most recent (and final) version which was the green A4 document. However, it saves a headache to Vendors as they no longer need to produce their original Certificate of Title for settlement.

If you are still in possession of your Certificate of Title, you can continue to keep this for historical reasons. Otherwise you can return it to your Conveyancer and they can return it to the Land Titles Office for you.

Since this very major change, now once registration takes place at the Land Titles Office, they will continue to hold the original and an electronic version is issued to the new owner. Our office forwards a ‘Notice of Completion’ to all Purchasers after settlement as confirmation of the change in ownership.

The Land Titles Office has also brought out a special product called a ‘Certificate of Ownership’. This is a keepsake similar to a Birth Certificate. To order one for either yourself or maybe a loved one, simply click here!